How to restore your linux with the Restore Usb stick.
Put your usb stick in the computer, start the computer and hit the F7 button several times until you see:
Choose with arrow key down on your keyboard the usb entry and hit enter.
After that you should have the usb grub menu. Choose redorescue entry with arrow key down and hit enter:
Wait until program loads, and hit the restore button:
Now choose an entry with usb and ext4 in it:
So you have this, then hit next:
Next hit the select button to select the backup:
A filemanager will open to select the backup,for mint this will be mintbackup or for ubuntu, ubuntubackup, or mintback or ububack. The name could be different. But it should be the file with .redo extention.
Select the file and hit ok .
So you will have this. Then hit next.
Now select your harrdisk in the computer. In most cases this will be a nvme disk, but could also be sata disk. But you need the select the line with the old linux (mint or ubuntu) in it.
Do not select the line with usb in it.
You will have this. Hit next:
Next you will restore options, leave everything as it is, just hit next.
Hit yes i'm sure button:
Restore will begin.
Hit ok when done:
Now exit the system. Hit the shutdown button.
When the computer is powered down, remove the usb and start your computer.